A common misconception is that people living with disabilities can't have sex or aren't interested in sex which is...well let's be honest, it's bullshit. People that live with disabilities are sexual beings too and they can and do have fulfilling sex lives.
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability is the first complete sex guide for people who live with disabilities or chronic pain, illnesses or chronic conditions. Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation, this book addresses a wide range of disabilities.
From chronic fatigue, back pain, and asthma to spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, hearing and visual impairment and more! This book is here to help readers create a sex life that works for them, including building a positive self-image; positions to minimize stress so they can focus on pleasure; finding partners, adapting sex toys and everything they need to feel desirable and have fulfilling sex lives.
360 pages, 9 x 6" (17.6 oz)
6.00" x 9.00" x 0.50"